Doctoral dissertation grants – TIRF

Doctoral Dissertation Grants

Background of Doctoral Dissertation Grants

Since 2002, TIRF has supported students completing their doctoral research on topics related to the foundation’s priorities. Each year, applicants who have been advanced to candidacy in legitimate PhD or EdD programs are invited to submit proposals for Doctoral Dissertation Grants (DDGs). (By “advanced to candidacy” we mean [a] having completed all required course work, if any, and [b] having had a research plan approved by the candidate’s university committee.) Proposals are reviewed by a TIRF committee of established international researchers. DDGs are provided in the amount of up to US $5,000 per awardee.

To learn more about the findings of previously funded studies, please click here.

2017 DDG Competition Now Open

The 2017 Doctoral Dissertation Grants competition is now open. The application deadline is Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 11:59pm Pacific Time (United States & Canada). Award decisions will be made in late August 2017 and announced on our website and via our newsletter.

  • Download the 2017 DDG call for proposals
  • Download the 2017 DDG application form (best viewed via Firefox)
  • View the resource videos to help complete the application form
  • Visit our DDG frequently-asked-questions page
  • Submit your proposal/letter of support via our Application Submission Area

We would like to recognize the wonderful support of Cambridge English Language Assessment and the British Council. The efforts of these two organizations help to make possible this year’s DDG competition.

CELA_BC_Logos_Together_8Feb2016Russell N. Campbell Award

Each year the highest rated Doctoral Dissertation Grant proposal is awarded in the name of the late Russell N. Campbell. Dr. Campbell, a Past President of TESOL, was one of the founding fathers of the Foundation.

Overview of Eligibility

The following points are only an overview of eligibility to apply for a DDG. Successful applicants will read the call for proposals and carefully follow the instructions.

Applicants must

  • be enrolled in a legitimate doctoral program;
  • be advanced to candidacy and have had a research plan approved by a faculty committee at their university;
  • write a proposal which is clearly related to TIRF’s research priorities;
  • follow specific instructions located in the call for proposals; and
  • have their research supervisor submit an official letter of support attesting to the applicant’s readiness to complete the doctoral dissertation.

Please note that DDG applicants do not need to be US citizens.

Research Priorities

TIRF’s current research priorities are listed below. Please click on a topic to read more about it. TIRF reserves the right to change its priority topics at any time.

Digital Technology in Language Education

English as a Medium of Instruction

Language Assessment

Language Planning and Policy

Language Teacher Education

Plurilingualism in Business, Industry, the Professions, and Educational Contexts

Students’ Age and Effective English Language Education in Schools